


Interview with Henry Ho, the CEO of “International Wine Culture and Commerce Union”


Wine culture has accompanied human civilization for a long time in an exceptional form. Established in Hong Kong, China, “International Wine Culture and Commerce Union” is a transmitter in the promotion of global wine culture and dedicator of the optimization of the ecological chain of the wine industry. With the core vision of “Cultural Production, Constant Innovation and Win-win Development”, the union is expected to create a sharing platform for the integration of wine culture by linking high-quality wines around the world. Not simply for drinking, wine is also a journey. In collaboration with Hong Kong Sommelier Association and Hong Kong Wine Chamber of Commerce, the union aims at building a complete industrial ecological chain. We have talked to the CEO of the union about the seven sections including “wine certification”, “wine academy”,

自有人類文明就有葡萄酒文化,葡萄酒藝術源於生活,卻高於生活,「國際葡萄酒文化商業聯合會」成立於中國香港,正是致力於全球葡萄酒文化的傳播推廣,以及葡萄酒產業生態鏈的優化創新。藉着「文化開源.時代創新.共贏發展」的 核心理念,通過聯動世界各個國家葡萄酒的優質資源以及傳遞各類葡萄酒的文化需求,期望締造一個葡萄酒文化與產業交融的共享平台。葡萄酒不單是一個餐飲,也 是一個旅程,聯合會聯同「香港專業品酒師協會」和「香港葡萄酒商會」建立完整產業生態鏈,以下我們跟聯合會行政總裁談談該會的七大板塊:「葡萄酒認證」、「葡萄酒學院」、「葡萄酒公園」、「葡萄酒旅游」、「葡萄酒地產」、「葡萄酒 期貨」、「葡萄酒銀行」等,如何令愛品酒人士共同感受葡萄酒的魅力。


WL: What is the significance of founding “International Wine Culture and Commerce Union” this year?

WL: 請問行政總裁「國際葡萄酒文化商業聯合會」在今年成立,有沒有什麼特殊的意義?

CEO: Established in a red wine’s year, our union is significant to the overall wine culture. Thanks to the promotion of all parties in the entire industry, we, as an important platform, allow our members to have more resources and easily get in touch with the wine culture because of our continued efforts of wine culture promotion in mainland. According to the statistics from the Ministry of Commerce, the consumption of alcohol in mainland has exceeded 800 billion each year. Even though they are mostly white wine, the double-digit growth of the wine market in China proves that the Chinese has gradually attached great importance to the entire wine market. China has also been predicted to become the world’s largest wine consumption country in five to ten years.

CEO: 今年是紅酒年,我們的成立是對整體葡萄酒文化有着重要性,我們作為一個平台,讓會員拿到更多的資源,能夠更容易接觸到葡萄酒文化,能夠持續在內地推廣葡萄酒文化,令消費者更全面地 接觸到葡萄酒的整個產業面,對整體行業是有很大的幫助,所以很感謝各方對整個行業的推廣。我了解到葡萄酒文化在內地推廣在這幾年十分快速,聽到商務部一些數據報告,酒類的消費量每年已超過八千億,雖然大部分是白酒,葡萄酒每年也有雙位數字的增長,代表未來人們對整體葡萄酒市場是愈來愈重視,我也聽到一些對未來的預測,說在五年到十年之間中國將會成為全球葡萄酒需求的大國,會成為全球葡萄酒消費第一的大國。

WL: We know that China has already become a major consumer of wine. Is there a set of standard in today’s domestic market?

WL: 我們知道中國已成為葡萄酒消費大國,今天在國內市場有沒有統一的價格標準?

CEO: This question is related to our first section of “Wine Certification”. We understand that many people in this industry talk about wine knowledge solely for sales purpose without professional training. As a certified organization with an international wine education system, our union collaborates with Hong Kong Sommelier Association and professional training institutions for Greater China cuisine to provide different channels and opportunities for individuals who are interested in devoting to the wine industry to obtain international accreditation through assessment and certification.

CEO: 這就關乎我們的第一個板塊「葡萄酒認證」,我們知道業內不少經營人士都是為了銷售而空談葡萄酒知識,達到銷售的目的沒有經過專業培訓,本會就會聯同香 港專業品酒師協會,作為一個國際葡萄酒教育系統,也 配合大中華飲食文化為核心的專業餐飲培訓機搆,由我 們作為認證機構,向有心投身葡萄酒行業的有志之士, 提供渠道和機會得到國際認可資格。提升個人能力的考核和認證。


WL: How will this certification be carried out? Will the union implement any compatible high-tech strategies in today’s Network Era?

WL: 這個認證將如何展開,今天在網絡年代,有沒有相應高科技資訊的配合呢?

CEO: This is the key to our second section “wine academy”. We have launched the Wine Business School both online and offline to realize our core value of industry certification. It provides a platform and venue for interactive learning. The education system includes live webcast training and updated industry information. Based on network connection, students can communicate with each other and build their own channels to communicate with the experts working in the industry. All these can enhance the industry level with more new businesses and employment opportunities. Establishing more new wine schools can help to promote the art of wine certification.

CEO:這正是我們第二個板塊「葡萄酒學院」的重要,我們建立行業認證作為核心價值觀,同時已開展在線上線下的葡萄酒商學院,一個可以互動學習的學習平台和場地。 包括有網上直播培訓,不斷更新行業信息,也藉此網絡聯 繫讓學員間互相交流和建立行業溝通渠道,還有專業人才轉介配送,提高行業水平和就業創業機會。隨着分校的建立普及讓葡萄酒藝術得以遍地開花。

WL: Besides professional training and certification, are there any plans for public wine education?

WL: 除了專業培訓及認證以外,有沒有設立給予大眾葡萄酒教育的地方?

CEO: We have another section with rich culture called “wine park”, which displays the history, conditions for cultivation, differences of the grapes from varies regions, historical events, wine laws around the world and so on. In the park and the museum there, wine as a cultural heritage with a history of thousands of years is showcased to enrich people’s cultural knowledge. And the place is also a good choice for leisure.

CEO:我們另一個板塊名為「葡萄酒公園」,主要是葡萄酒作為有深厚文化底蘊的產物,有幾千年的歷史,從有西方文明開始就有葡萄酒的影子,其中有很多元素包括: 葡萄酒歷史,種植條件因素,不同地的葡萄的差異,因為葡萄酒所產生的歷史大事,葡萄酒的笑談,世界各國的葡萄酒法律等等。我們將一一在公園或博物館中展示,令人民群眾增加文化知識,也是一個消閒好去處。

WL: Now with a rich knowledge, do we also have a chance to learn more about the wine culture, like visiting the châteaux?

WL: 有了豐富的知識,有沒有更深入體會葡萄酒文化的機會,例如探訪酒莊等活動?

CEO: Our most attractive section is “wine travel”, for a journey well experienced is better than any information only read in the books. We may organize a trip for those who are interested to fly to the other side of the earth and experience wine’s charm in person. Themed travel abroad is a major trend recently; we provide wine themed customized visits for you to learn the famous chateaux’s history and development such as Château Lafitte, Château Mouton Rothschild and Château Margaux, as well as tasting local treats and joining golf events.

CEO:當然我們了解讀萬卷書不如行萬里路,因此我們最受人注目的板塊正是「葡萄酒旅遊」,我們將組織有志深入認識葡萄酒文化人士飛到地球的另一面,身軆力行感受 葡萄酒的魅力。出國主題旅行是近來的大趨勢,用葡萄酒 作為主題,為您量身定製各大名莊的參觀,學習以及親身 體驗,了解名莊的歷史背景及發展,令您的葡萄酒職業生 涯留下完美印跡,名莊包括拉菲、木桐、瑪歌、奧比昂,以及白馬、滴金等酒莊;也可以按您的需求,安排酒莊考 察,品嚐當地美食,高爾夫球活動等等……

WL: Apart from wine tasting, many people also treat wine as a long-term investment. Does the union take this into consideration?

WL: 近年葡萄酒熱潮中,除了品鑑的各項知識,更有不少高品味人士將之視為長遠投資的策略,請問這方面你們聯合會有沒有特別的兼顧?

CEO: That’s why we set up the “wine property” section for investors. They can purchase foreign chateaux and castles with a freehold ownership. When the demand of Chinese real estate is soaring, it is now time to buy in chateaux with a lower price. In 2011 famous Chinese actress Zhao Wei and her husband bought a chateau in Saint-Émilion for EUR 4 – 5 million and Hong Kong actress Bernice Liu also bought one in Bordeaux. The investment can also be used for investment immigration.

CEO:這正是我們設立「葡萄酒地產」板塊的目的,收購國外酒莊古堡等地產項目,擁有永久產權,近年成為愈來愈多投資者的投資方向。在中國地產飛升的年代,酒莊價格偏低帶來收購時機。個人收購海外酒莊的浪潮也開始此起彼伏。2011年演員趙薇夫婦就耗資400-500萬歐元購買了波爾多聖艾美濃產區的蒙羅酒莊;有意在海外置業的 香港演員廖碧兒也緊隨其后購買了波爾多的一處酒莊,投資酒莊也可以進行投資移民的機會。

WL: Besides a large investment like buying a chateau, can the general public also buy the wine they like on the emerging futures market?

WL: 我知道除了購買酒莊如此巨大的投資以外,一般人也可以藉着新興的期貨市場購買喜歡的葡萄酒?

CEO: Another popular section of us is “wine futures”. This is a brand new financial product which sell investors the unripe wine within the cellar period. Then when the wine have been processed and bottled, the investors either consume the wine directly or redeem their capital in due time. The wine in premium quality can be used as futures for collection or investment is called investment grade wine, which is produced in top chateaux and it can appreciate as time goes on. As new money rises in the Asia-Pacific region, many new markets appear as well. The increase in the fortune has raised the requirements for financial management and a higher taste, while the investment on top wines can meet both needs. Hence when buying wine futures and wine are popular among the western rich, it is now becoming a new hit in China, the world’s largest wine consumption country. Thus we have set up the “wine bank” section to support this new trading. In mature wine markets like the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, there is a complete industrial chain for wine futures and wine, with financial and accounting institutions playing an indispensable role. Apart from professional wine trust companies, private banks, BNP Paribas and SG Private Bank for example, also provide similar services.

CEO:我們另一個受歡迎的板塊正是「葡萄酒期貨」,這 是一個嶄新概念的理財產品,是指在葡萄酒尚處於窖藏期 未成熟時,以理財產品的方式向投資者發售。在葡萄酒成 熟裝瓶後,投資者可根據自身喜好,選擇直接消費所購買 的葡萄酒,或持有理財產品至到期贖回資金。世界上品質 上乘的、能夠作為期酒收藏和投資的葡萄酒在業界被稱為投資級葡萄酒,是指以卓越的葡萄酒莊為基礎的、可以長期陳年儲藏並隨時間延長而增值的葡萄酒。隨著亞太地區新富階層的興起,很多新興市場也開始出現,財富的增 加既提升了對理財的需求也提高了對品味的要求,而投資 頂級葡萄酒恰恰同時滿足了這兩個要求,所以當期酒和現貨酒已經成為歐美發達國家富人消費熱點的時候,葡萄酒最大的新興國中國也拉開期酒的市場序幕,有見及此,我 們亦設立一個強大的板塊支持這個新興的期貨生意,就是「葡萄酒銀行」。在英國、美國、加拿大等成熟的葡萄酒 市場,期酒和現貨酒有一條完整的產業鏈,其中金融機搆 與會計機搆是必不可少的一環,這除了專業紅酒信托公司 之外,私人銀行也涉足其中,法國巴黎私人銀行(BNP Paribas)和法國興業私人銀行(SG Private Bank)就提 供類似的葡萄酒服務項目。
